Beauties from the covers of glossy magazines urge women to follow beauty standards that are not always easy to achieve. Thinness has become an ideal for fashion designers, and sometimes even their husbands look askance at fat ladies, persuading them to lose weight.

Step 1
Remember that no woman, even a painfully dear one, will not like the instructions related to adjusting her appearance. Be gentle. Don't push for change by comparing the lady with her slimmer friends. Focus on the fact that excess weight is harmful to health, therefore it is better to say goodbye to it.
Step 2
Lead by example. Do not give instructions to your spouse while lying on the couch in front of the TV and growing your abdomen. Get started together. Even if you're not inclined to be overweight, fitness doesn't hurt you. Sign up with your wife for classes at a nearby sports center. The best place to start is swimming.
Step 3
If getting to the fitness center is problematic, you can just walk more, at least on weekends. Get out with your wife to the nearest park. Cycling and rollerblading actively contribute to weight loss, but simple walking should not be underestimated.
Step 4
Consult a dietitian and develop a special menu. It is great if you learn how to prepare healthy meals, for example, for breakfast. Treat yourself and your wife with oatmeal and fresh grapefruit juice instead of your usual sandwiches. It is better to free the refrigerator from fatty and too high-calorie dishes.
Step 5
If eating large meals in front of the TV has always been a part of your family's leisure time, find an alternative to such a pastime. For example, you can independently start a long-planned repair, which threatens to reduce your free time to zero, but it will definitely save you and your spouse from excess fat.
Step 6
Use little tricks. You go with your wife to the store, choose a beautiful dress. Say that it will emphasize its irresistibility, but only, here's the annoyance, there is no large size on sale. Buy jewelry and shoes for this outfit for your wife, and for a dress she will want to return - slender and prettier.
Step 7
Tell your wife more often that you love and accept her, either full or thin. You do not seek to remake it, but want to help you look not just good, but dazzling, and are always ready to work on yourself to be worthy of it.