Whatever the man, the wife is unlikely to suddenly stop loving him. But, when the chosen one eats more than one dozen cutlets and a third plate of potatoes at night, while his wife drinks kefir, hardly anyone will like it. This situation is familiar to many. Naturally, it is quite problematic to put a man on a diet. In general, this is useless, but you can and should gradually accustom your spouse to useful habits.

Step 1
In order to persuade your husband to lose weight, you need to start with the refrigerator, namely, by changing its contents. You need to purchase the right and healthy food, leaning on healthy fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, healthy grains and fish. Even regular squash or cauliflower can be mouth-watering and delicious when cooked properly. Onion cutlets or vegetable stews are good for a healthy diet instead of the usual mashed potatoes. You can also experiment with dietary cuisine. If your husband likes her, he will not feel deprived and at the same time will consume much fewer calories.
Step 2
The basis for proper male nutrition is female motivation. To do this, it is necessary to explain to the husband that the desire to please the opposite sex and yourself is still important. After all, striving for "ideals of beauty" is a good thing, because the male sex often looks at slender ladies. To do this, you can put your spouse an open magazine with smart and tanned handsome men on the centerfold, click the channels on the TV, stopping at some moments where slender guys are present. And so on until the time when your husband himself begins to understand that you are interested in just such people.
Step 3
It is very important that your spouse does not notice your persistent desire. It is enough to offer your chosen one to go to a ski resort, run through a park or square. And if he does not agree to this, then walks can be replaced by a trip to the sauna. However, this procedure should be started only when you know for sure that he has no contraindications to this. And instead of beer, which men are used to taking with them to the bathhouse, buy fruit or herbal tea.
Step 4
Women should consider that no man likes criticism. Therefore, all comments in his direction should be gentle and kind. For example, you can take a photograph of him and tenderly say: "What a chubby you are with me, with cheeks like a child's." Trust me, no real guy will like being compared to a chubby baby. You can also bet that he won't be able to fit into his favorite pants in two months. It also works flawlessly, since all men are very reckless.
Step 5
And if everything goes well with the weight of your husband, then after the first positive results he himself will not want to stop there. He will continue to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, but of his own free will.