The period of bearing a child is always a difficult period in the life of any woman. Every day it becomes more and more difficult for her to move around and do the most ordinary daily work, the body is rebuilt, there are serious hormonal changes, emotional disruptions, etc. Often in this situation, husbands who are next to a pregnant wife do not know how to behave correctly.

Common mistakes husbands make
Typically, there are two extremes in the behavior of men at this time. The first is trying to avoid a wife, not even physically, but rather emotionally. This is expressed in the desire to stay away from her, not to try to provide psychological help, looking for the cause of her bad mood. But a woman, especially in this position, wants attention and care, it is much easier for her to overcome her problems by saying them aloud. It is vitally necessary for her to be interested in her life and emotional state, especially in her beloved man. Therefore, this behavior will not do anything good.
The other extreme is overly intrusive empathy and participation. The husband begins to treat his pregnant wife as a patient, takes care of and cares for her, completely depriving her of independence. This is often more annoying than lack of attention. obsessive custody makes you feel inferior and becomes annoying. Therefore, it is best to maintain a balance between the two.
Correct behavior
First, do not forget that a woman in a position often experiences fear. Even unfounded suspicions seem significant to her, and even real problems can become generally insoluble in the eyes of a pregnant woman. She is very worried about the child, worried about the birth itself, its consequences, lack of milk and much more. Therefore, reassure your wife every day, even if she outwardly seems calm, become a support for her. Take time to learn about her condition, her thoughts, encourage and calm.
You should be especially careful with daily help. First of all, men are required to be attentive to the condition of their wife. Observe her, determine which of the things are easy for her and which are not. Help where you really need it. Do not forget that every month your wife becomes weaker and more vulnerable, and in the very last months, she may need your help even in the most ordinary things.
Do not skimp on affection and praise. It's a good idea to follow this rule in everyday life, and even during pregnancy, encouragement will come in handy. Often give her compliments, encouraging words, support, emphasize that she is a beautiful woman, an excellent housewife, a good wife. Admire her, focusing on cleanliness, comfort, delicious dinner or her beauty, rather than how hard she achieves it.
Try to learn to speak a female language, i.e. convey emotions, not just a collection of information. For a woman, information is secondary, sympathy and empathy are much more important for her. Rejoice and worry with your wife, while remaining a man who not only worries, but also solves the problems that arise. The husband must first be upset with his pregnant soul mate, and then do everything that such a reason for her worries no longer arises.