The most important event in your life is ahead of you - your wedding day. All worries and dreams are now associated with spending this day at the highest level. And, what can you do, unfamiliar relatives with whom you last saw at the age of five do not always fit into the idea of the ideal. To avoid family problems, you need to tactfully refuse to invite your relatives.

Patience, wisdom, tact
Step 1
Themselves with a mustache As folk wisdom says, who pays, he calls the tune. Therefore, the easiest thing in this situation is for the newlyweds, who have taken over the financial support of the celebration completely or mostly. After drawing up the guest list (which will have time to undergo significant changes in a few months), it is time to hand over the invitations. Most likely, parents, having received a postcard with woven rings, will ask if you will call Aunt Larisa (Uncle Kolya, Baba Raya). If the presence of these relatives is not included in your plans, it is decent to answer: "We will be glad to receive congratulations by phone." Refer to the limited budget and the desire to play the wedding quietly, in the company of those closest to you.
Step 2
Mom will not advise bad It is more difficult when the wedding budget is shared by the parents. In this case, one has to agree with their presence of father's partners and mother's childhood friends. However, it is not forbidden to try to tactfully explain to your parents that this is your family celebration. The following psychological trick may work: you are grateful to your parents for their care and want them to have a good rest and have fun on your common holiday, and not spend all the time and energy taking care of other guests.
Step 3
If a scandal is brewing, you have every right to demand the absence of relatives at the wedding with whom you frankly did not have a relationship. Admit to your parents that you fear a scandal from not too trustworthy (or alcohol abusers). Most likely, they will agree with your arguments and will not risk the peace of mind of the rest of the guests.