To teach your child to count and not discourage him from learning, I suggest memorizing a few fun exercises. It is necessary to learn numbers from early childhood, from about one year.

cubes with numbers, 10 small toys, large buttons, apples
Step 1
When the child is one year old, start counting fingers with him, clearly pronouncing the name of each number. You can also give him cubes with numbers. Show him the number and call it out loud. After a month or two, start calling numbers and ask your child to give you a cube with this number. If the child is mistaken and gives another cube, tell him the number shown on this cube, and again ask for the cube with the desired number.
Step 2
When your child starts repeating words after you, start counting small toys together. From one to ten. Name the number 1 clearly and place one toy in front of it. Wait for the child to repeat the name of the number. Next, put down the second toy. Name the number "two", and then count how many toys are in front of him: "one", "two". And so on, adding one toy at a time.
Step 3
After the child learns to perceive words by ear, start playing "reverse blocks" with him. You give him a cube - and he says which number is shown. You can also start counting toys the other way around: starting at 10 and ending at 1. You should also enter concepts like "zero".
Step 4
From the age of three, start teaching your child to count on their own. First, let him master the counting to ten, and then show how the numbers are formed further. To do this, you should use cubes (we make up two numbers - we get a number) or cards. For ease of counting, put buttons near the number - the amount corresponding to this number.
Step 5
If possible, buy a magnetic board and magnetic numbers. When they are constantly in front of his eyes, he will quickly learn their names and how they are spelled. The same goes for letters. When you walk, constantly ask him to count something: red cars in the parking lot, flowers in a flower bed, dogs in the park, etc. In stores, always ask your child to read the price of the item to you.
Step 6
The next stage is very important. It is necessary to learn the rules of addition and subtraction. Any available means will help you here - buttons, matches. After the child learns to subtract and add "by hand", start teaching him to count in his head. For this, simple tasks are suitable: "three plus one", "two plus two", "three minus two", etc.
Step 7
As you move on to new tasks, teach your child to sketch tasks. Let him complete all the tasks on paper with the help of drawings, and then write it down in numbers. If you pay at least a little attention to numbers and numbers every day, then it will be much easier for your child to learn new knowledge at school.