For a child, vacation is the same as vacation for an adult. It is very important for a child to have a good rest and recover for the next school year. It is also important to get a lot of impressions from the holidays. And, of course, one cannot do without the participation of adults.

Joint travel
What could be better for children and parents. You show your child new places, meet interesting people. This can be the nearest forest park, or a neighboring city, or an exotic country. It is important that adults and children plunge into another life, get new impressions.
The child will carry such an emotional charge through the next school year. Therefore, show your imagination and choose what will delight both him and you.
Acquaintance with hometown
Traveling to other cities and countries, we try to see as many sights as possible. While we may be almost unfamiliar with our hometown. If part of the vacation is spent in the city, you can fill this gap.
Summer vacation is the time to show it. Opportunities for this are provided by health or sports camps, hiking trips. Separation from home, parents, habitual care and control - all this is very useful for a child of school age.
A little work
Be sure to find a housework for your child. Let him help you with cleaning those places that have been waiting in the wings for a long time: a closet, a balcony, a garage. In the country, this can be watering the beds, harvesting or even mowing the lawn.
Outdoor games
Wherever your child is on vacation, it is useful for him to be outdoors as much as possible and to take part in outdoor games.
Summer mode
Over the course of a year, the child has accumulated fatigue and lack of sleep, so changing the regime during the holidays is quite justified. Let the child sleep 2-3 hours longer in the morning. But it is better to postpone the time of falling asleep in the evening by no more than one hour. Only in this case rest and recovery will take place in the best possible way.
Knowledge support
Parents often worry that over the summer their child will “lose” all the knowledge that was acquired at school. Of course, you shouldn't force the child to sit behind the textbooks. But cognitive quizzes, games for development and attention he should like.