How To Remove Temperature From A Child

How To Remove Temperature From A Child
How To Remove Temperature From A Child

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As a rule, the child's body reacts with an increase in body temperature to an inflammatory process, viral or bacterial infection. If you notice that your baby has a fever, don't worry. Your correct actions will help the baby and normalize the situation.

How to remove temperature from a child
How to remove temperature from a child


Step 1

For babies of the first year of life, the natural body temperature is 37 degrees. Subsequently, it will drop to 36, 6. Remember that an increase in body temperature is not a disease, but only a symptom of it. In this way, the body produces antibodies, increases the defenses and inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses. That is why pediatricians recommend to children under one year old to bring down the temperature when it becomes higher than 38, 2 degrees, and for older babies - if it exceeds 38, 5.

Step 2

Start knocking down the temperature of the child only when it exceeds the permissible mark. In this case, it is necessary to carefully examine the baby's skin. If it is wet, bright red, and the legs and arms are very hot, do a vinegar-water rub. To do this, mix water and vinegar in a 5: 1 ratio. An enema with cool water and a cold compress on the forehead will help relieve the heat.

Step 3

If the child is shivering and the skin is dry, give him an antipyretic for children. Dilute the water with alcohol, or take vodka and rub the baby's arms and legs well. Then wrap it up and give it hot tea with raspberries or cranberries. After the child has sweated, be sure to change him into dry underwear.

Step 4

Do not forget that at elevated temperatures dehydration occurs. Therefore, offer your baby to drink as much and as often as possible. As a drink, decoctions of dried fruits, tea from chamomile, linden, rose hips are suitable. Even if the child is not very hot, be sure to call the doctor at home. Indeed, in this way, some rather serious diseases can begin. And if the crumbs' throat turns red against a background of high temperature, rashes and a runny nose appear, then the sooner the specialist diagnoses and prescribes the necessary treatment, the faster your baby can recover.
