Does The Child Need To Remove Adenoids

Does The Child Need To Remove Adenoids
Does The Child Need To Remove Adenoids

Adenoids very often bother both children and their parents. The question is whether it is necessary to delete them. Often, adenoids are confused with polyps in the nasal cavity. It is necessary to distinguish between these two concepts.

Does the child need to remove adenoids
Does the child need to remove adenoids

Adenoids as part of the immune system

Adenoids in medicine are called adenoid vegetations. Most of them are lymphoid tissue. Its main function is immune. The adenoids are located in the nasopharynx, they seem to block the entrance to the nasal cavity. This function determines their location. The nasal cavity also contains ciliated epithelia and millions of villi that oscillate. With each breath of air, a lot of dust, viruses and bacteria get into this cavity, which settle in the mucous membrane and move progressively into the nasopharynx. The immune cells of the adenoids thus absorb bacteria, viruses and allergens. As a result, antibodies begin to be produced - part of active immunity. Therefore, when pathogens enter the body later, they are disinfected with the help of the immune system. Adenoid tissues are fully formed in children at the age of two to three years. It must be remembered that adenoids are an important part of a child's immune system.

Reasons for surgical removal of adenoids

In the course of long-term childhood illnesses, the adenoid tissue can become inflamed and enlarged, blocking nasal breathing. Adenoids are an inflammatory disease of the adenoid tissue that can be caused by viral or bacterial agents. Such a pathology is treated using conservative methods, but cannot be removed. Only adenoid vegetations of the second or third degree are removed surgically, when true hypertrophy occurs. With such a disease, the child's complexion may change, the oxygen supply to the brain may be disturbed. As a result - frequent acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis and bronchitis. Only in these cases, doctors recommend removing the adenoids. Determines the degree of proliferation of the adenoid tissue by the ENT doctor using the digital method. They can be removed exclusively in a hospital.

Myths about the removal of adenoids

One of the most common stereotypes is that after removal, new adenoid tissues can grow in the cavity. In fact, this is not true. If the operation was carried out with high quality, then after the surgical intervention, with the exception of very rare cases, the adenoid tissue will no longer grow.

Often, parents fear that after removal of the adenoids, the child gets sick more often. Not really. These children are less likely to get sick because they have more open nasal breathing. Moreover, the age for removing adenoids is also not limited.
