Do I Need To Remove Tonsils In Children

Do I Need To Remove Tonsils In Children
Do I Need To Remove Tonsils In Children

Many children go through this problem - enlarged tonsils. Removing the tonsils, of course, would solve many problems, but is it really necessary.

Do I need to remove tonsils in children
Do I need to remove tonsils in children

The tonsils serve as a kind of barrier to prevent the penetration of microbes and viruses. They (tonsils) are so "smart" that they are able to scan and analyze the degree of danger of uninvited guests. What starts to hurt, first of all, when you get SARS or flu in the first place? That's right, the throat. Because the tonsils took the hit.

• The first rule is regular and proper oral care!

• The second rule is regular walks in the fresh air. If you live in a city, try to get out of it at least once a week.

• Proper nutrition - the child's diet must include foods containing vitamins C, A and E, zinc, selenium. You can find information about what and what to eat in print publications, on the internet, or consult your doctor.

It has been scientifically proven that the removal of tonsils negatively affects the state of immunity, and in nulliparous women, this operation can provoke infertility or difficulty in conceiving.

• The classical method - ENT scrapes or cuts out the tonsils using special instruments. The plus is that the wounds heal quickly. The downside is heavy bleeding during and after surgery.

• Thermocoagulation - the tissues of the tonsils are vaporized with a laser. Plus - bloodless and painless. The downside is a long rehabilitation period.

• Freezing - liquid nitrogen is used for removal. Plus - the possibility of using the technique in cases where the surgical method cannot be applied. The downside is an unpleasant procedure, bad breath for some time after performing the manipulations, frozen tissues remain in the neck.
