A charm is a magical item that requires a sincere and unbreakable belief in its effectiveness. It is best to make the amulet yourself, for this any important item is suitable for you. Good amulets are obtained from stones.

Step 1
Please note that you cannot lose faith in the power of the amulet, since this will deprive it of its effectiveness, and it will leave you unprotected. That is why it is necessary to keep the amulet in secret, not to mention its creation, even to family members. The creation of a talisman is always a sacrament, it should take place in silence, it is very important that nothing distracts or bothers you.
Step 2
First of all, you need to choose a stone to create a talisman. Remember that charms cannot be made of black onyx or hematite, since these stones are good only for destructive black magic. It is best to use amber to create a talisman, since this unusual stone is able to accumulate energy, feed its owner with vitality. Amber, of course, must be real. This stone is suitable for absolutely all people, regardless of the zodiac sign, year of birth, and so on. If you don't like amber, choose any transparent or translucent stone.
Step 3
It is advisable to buy a stone on your own, since a talisman made from a gift can carry the energy of the previous owner. You should not use a ready-made decoration, since the metal will prevent you from correctly attuning the amulet to yourself. Any stone needs to be well cleaned, to erase all the information that it contains. To do this, hold the stone under running cold water, and then move it over the open flame of a candle.
Step 4
You need to create a talisman all alone. Stand in the center of the room, take a stone in your palms, press them against the center of your chest. Concentrate on it. Imagine a dome, shield, or any other item associated with protection. Place all your adversity and problems outside under the other side of this object, watch as their attacks crash against a perfect defensive wall or dome. Say aloud the request for protection, referring to the stone in your hands. This procedure can be repeated over several days at the same time.
Step 5
After that, the stone must be constantly carried with you for at least a month, during which time it will absorb your energy imprint, gain strength. Then the amulet can be put in a secluded corner if you want to protect your home, or continue to carry it with you. It is advisable not to show it to anyone, because this can weaken the power of the amulet. Once every couple of months, you need to repeat the charging procedure.