The first known homosexuals the world knew about were the ancient Egyptians Khnumhotep and Niankhnum. Archaeologists have discovered their mummies, buried in one tomb, the reliefs of which depicted men hugging and kissing. In Persia, Ancient Greece, Rome, male love was considered the norm.

Step 1
Back in the middle of the last century, homosexuality was considered a disease and was subject to treatment. Only in 1973 was it removed from the classification of psychiatric diseases.
Step 2
Before answering the question about the possibility of getting rid of homosexuality, it is worth considering the nature of its occurrence. Posthumous studies that were carried out on the brain of homosexuals allow us to conclude that there are morphological differences in the structure of the subcortical nuclei in comparison with representatives of the stronger sex of traditional orientation. This allows us to conclude that it is impossible to get rid of unconventional orientation, just as it is impossible to get rid of eye color.
Step 3
The innate nature of homosexuality is evidenced by the research of Swedish scientists. In gay men, the amygdala of the left hemisphere contains more nerve connections than the same area of the right. Homosexuals do not become - they are born.
Step 4
The heated debate around homosexuality is also unfolding on the subject of genetic inheritance. Psychologists cite statistics indicating that most gays were brought up in two-parent families in which the parents were heterosexual.
Step 5
Observations of the sexual orientation of identical twins are very interesting. If one of them is homosexual, the probability that the other will be homosexual is 52%. For fraternal twins, this figure is 22%. The same genes increase the likelihood of the same sexual orientation.
Step 6
What happens 48% of the time? One identical twin is heterosexual and the other is homosexual. Exactly the same genes do not guarantee that twins will have the same sex drive. This once again emphasizes that the phenomenon of homosexuality is a complex phenomenon determined by genetic, hormonal and environmental influences, but in no way is it a disease and cannot be treated.
Step 7
Despite this, the dense ranks of psychologists continue to insist that correction and getting rid of the "illness" is possible. Work in this direction can be crowned with success only if the patient himself desires.
Step 8
For some men, attraction to the stronger sex is a necessary measure. Often such relationships are found in prisons, colonies, and other closed institutions. At the moment when sexual energy reaches its maximum and bursts out, the man has no choice but to "rely on the shoulder of a friend."