Quite often, the aggravation of relations with neighbors arises on the basis of any domestic disputes. For people living in apartment buildings, there are rules of conduct established by law and generally accepted in a civilized society. By observing them, you will avoid conflicts with residents of nearby apartments.

Apartment renovation
Are you planning to start repairs in your apartment and do not want to spoil relations with your neighbors? Take into account the federal law of the Russian Federation No. 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", which sets the maximum noise level in an apartment during the daytime (from 7.00 to 23.00) at 40 dB. At night - from 23.00 to 7.00, the noise level, according to the law, should not exceed 30 dB. For example, the noise level emitted by such a popular work tool as a grinder is about 100 dB. Therefore, if you work as a grinder in an apartment, neighbors can complain about you to the police quite legally. To prevent this from happening, coordinate in advance with the people living next to you those periods of time when you can make a lot of noise in your apartment.
If during repair work you need to cut off the common water on the floor, gas or electricity, be sure to warn in advance those residents of the house who will be affected by your activity.
When installing an air conditioner, a satellite dish, redeveloping an apartment, try to take into account the interests of your neighbors, coordinating your actions with them. For example, not every neighbor will like the constant noise from a powerful outdoor air conditioner unit installed next to his window.
If your neighbors have small children, before starting to perform noisy work in the apartment, check if this will disturb their peace. This measure also applies to elderly people living nearby.
Timely clean up the dirt and dust accumulated as a result of repairs in public places, do not clutter up staircases with unnecessary things, boxes, buckets, construction tools, etc.
When living in your apartment with pets, follow the rules for keeping them. Take the dog out for a walk in a muzzle and on a leash; the animal's reaction to strangers may not always be predictable. Use remote areas for walking animals, not playgrounds or lawns. Make sure your animals receive all the necessary vaccinations.
your car
If you are the owner of a car, park it in the specially designated parking lots. If you need to leave your car in the yard, choose a place that does not interfere with the free passage and passage of other people and cars.
Noisy parties
Do you like noisy parties that you prefer to have at home? This may well provoke a conflict with neighbors. The fun can end with the arrival of the district police officer. In order to avoid such troubles, it is better to choose establishments specially designed for this for a stormy fun.
It is difficult to foresee all situations due to which conflicts with neighbors may arise. In any case, try to remember not only your own desires and interests, but also take into account the needs of the people living next to you.