Why Are Children's Fairy Tales Needed

Why Are Children's Fairy Tales Needed
Why Are Children's Fairy Tales Needed

Modern statistics say that less than 50% of parents read fairy tales to their children before bedtime. Every year the percentage of employment is growing, and books are replacing cartoons or films. But reading cannot be replaced by something else.


The meaning of children's fairy tales

Conversation with the baby, discussion of the book helps the rapid development. Many psychological functions are stimulated. First, the child with whom they spend time feels more protected and loved. Such children are easier to adapt to the team. Spending 15 minutes a day changes behavior for years.

Secondly, speech develops. For a child to learn to speak well at the age of 1, 5 years, he must hear at least 2000 words per hour. Reading children's books develops memory and understanding of sentences. The vocabulary is formed very actively, so any phrases contribute to development.

Third, the child's fantasy is activated. In cartoons, everything has already been invented, this is a finished product. When a fairy tale is voiced, the moment of presentation takes place. The child learns to create images, tries to describe them.

The content of the tale

When reading, content is also important. Children's literature is specific. It allows the child to experience different feelings - joy, sadness, shame, awkwardness, pride and much more. Listening to a children's fairy tale, the child associates himself with one of the characters. Trying on the events described in the book, he learns the behavior in the world on the example of the described heroes.

Cumulative fairy tales - with many recurring elements, are specially created for memorization. After reading 3-4 times, the child is already able to repeat from memory. For the same purpose, it is useful to read poetry. It develops memory, activates many parts of the brain.

Good fairy tales for children allow the child to navigate the world more correctly: find out what good and evil are; how to behave and how not; how bad characters differ from positive ones. It has long been noticed that children to whom they read in childhood will themselves love to sit with a book.

At the moment, a lot of options have been invented to replace reading. Audiobooks perform all the same functions as described above. But only they cannot give the warmth that parents bring.
