After a year, as soon as the baby learns to walk, you should teach him the skill of walking by the handle. This is important because walking next to mom next to, and not running away somewhere - this is the natural behavior of the child. This is not training, but a necessity related to the safety of your child. In the natural environment, the mother is the leader, and her baby is the follower. It is mom who sets the boundaries of what is permissible, explains the rules necessary for life. In the course of learning, the child must understand that there are walks for exploring an interesting world, and there are walks for business.

There are many ways to learn to follow, and each mother chooses which one suits her and her child. But all methods come from two main ones.
better known. He's a little rude, but works flawlessly. It is suitable for children who already walk confidently with their feet
If the child calmly walked alongside, and then decided to turn off about his business or stop, then abruptly take him by the armpits and move him a couple of meters forward. Then let go and take your hand again. If the situation repeats, then you repeat your actions. Do not scold or shout at your child. Don't wait for the child to go far. If you run after a running kid, he may mistake this behavior for a game of "catch-up". Therefore, let the child go a maximum of a meter. While studying, always walk with some purpose, along a given route (for example, to the post office or to the store).
more "gentle" for the child, but more nervous for the mother
It is based on "negotiating" with the child. Going out for a walk, you set the condition for the child that you will carry him in your arms to a certain place, and then he will walk on his own. The main difficulty may be that the child refuses to walk. He will start crying, being capricious only for the sake of being picked up again. In such a situation, only patience will help. But you have to get the child to walk at least a little on his own. If you succeed, then praise him, then pick him up again with a new condition. With this method, you should take into account the child's age, his physiological abilities and the season (walking is easier in summer than in winter).
Walking by the handle is not only convenient for the mother, but also safe for the child himself. Therefore, you should be patient and teach your baby this skill.