Walkers can be called one of the greatest inventions that greatly simplifies the life of a mother who has a lot of worries. When a child is carried away by a walker, a woman has a little free time, which she is free to dispose of at her own discretion. At the same time, the baby himself is delighted with the fact that he has the opportunity to independently move through the rooms.

Step 1
Start accustoming your child to a walker only if he has learned to sit confidently and for a long time without support. It is even better if the baby already knows how to climb on its own legs (not earlier than 6 months). This is due to the fact that the main load falls on the spine: if it is not strong enough, the use of a walker can lead to scoliosis and other consequences.
Step 2
Place your baby in a walker. Of course, he will not immediately understand what they are for. Therefore, at first you should help a little in the development of a new "transport". To do this, take his legs with your hands and touch them directly on the floor, thereby imitating walking.
Step 3
Place a favorite or new toy near the child sitting in the walker. He will certainly be interested and will want to get closer to get acquainted with it properly. If the baby still does not move, help him by moving the legs or slightly pushing the walker. But do not overdo it with acceleration, or the child may be injured.
Step 4
Step away from the child sitting in the walker little by little and call him to you. As soon as it starts to approach - move away a little again. Be sure to praise your baby for success, it will be good if you caress him, hug, kiss him when he finally overcomes the distance between you.
Step 5
If there are older children in the house, use them as "bait". After all, they love to play with each other and your baby will strive to get close to his brother or sister as close as possible in order to take part in an exciting game.