How To Teach A Child To Walk Without Parents

How To Teach A Child To Walk Without Parents
How To Teach A Child To Walk Without Parents

An important component in the upbringing and education of children is the formation of responsibility and independence. First steps and words, potty training, etc. Finally, there comes a time when the child may well walk alone. In order to avoid stress and unpleasant situations, parents need to arm themselves with calmness and patience, as well as explain to their child a number of rules of behavior on the street.

How to teach a child to walk without parents
How to teach a child to walk without parents

You should switch to independent walks no earlier than when the child is seven years old. According to research by psychologists, by the age of seven, the formation of behavioral structures is completed. The arbitrariness of actions comes to the fore, that is, the child acts in accordance with external goals, and not only on immediate impulse (obeying a minute impulse).

Friends are the motivation for independent walks. If the family has recently moved, and the child has not yet had time to make friends in the yard, do not force him to immediately get acquainted with other children.

The main task of parents: to act gradually. Invite the child to take a walk together, and then after a while, under the pretext of urgent household chores, leave him alone for 15 minutes, then come back, then for half an hour, etc.

Explore the courtyard together (calmly talk about the dangers of open well hatches or why you need to look up when you are going to go under the balconies - snow may fall, a pot of flowers, etc., you can do this in the form of a game - for example, you are pirates and you need to go home, bypassing all the traps), communicate with other parents, call the guys from the yard to visit you, etc. Meet local grandmothers - in response to your help, they may occasionally look after your child.

It is not recommended to intimidate the child with “stranger uncles” and scary stories that happened to other children. Pedophiles can hide among outwardly cute people, as well as among friends.

Taking advantage of the gullibility of children and their sincere desire to help, many pedophiles use the method: "Help me." For example, finding a kitten in the stairwell or carrying heavy bags. In this case, the child should be able to say: "No" or attract someone from the elders to help.

Explain the rules to your child in terms of your positions. For example, instead of the phrase "Do not go far from the yard, you will get lost!" say, “It’s still hard for me to get used to the fact that you’re growing up. Do not go far from the yard, please, I'm afraid of losing you. " Thus, you put the child in the role of an "adult" caring for someone.

When your child is familiar with the area, do not hesitate to ask for help. For example, take out the trash or go to the nearest store. Be sure to praise your child for independence.

You should not give your child expensive things for a walk (tablet, phone, etc.). Buy a simple phone, make a call function with one button (when a certain button is responsible for dialing a particular number). It will be easier for a child to press a button than to search for the desired phone number in the contact log or dial it manually.

Train your child to inform you about any of his movements: for example, he wanted to visit a friend / friend - you should call and ask for time off, etc.

Walking without parents, the child must learn the rules of the road and clearly know where and to whom he can turn for help if you are not around. In America, some parents use special bracelets indicating information about the child's full name, blood type, allergies to any medications, etc., so that in case of any situation, medical assistance is provided on time. Instead of a bracelet, you can use a token on a chain or just put a business card in the inner pocket of your jacket, for example.
