Because of the work schedule, parents do not always have the opportunity to wake up their child to school. Therefore, you need to teach him how to wake up in the morning on his own as early as possible. This is a useful habit that increases the level of self-organization. A person will use it all his life.

Step 1
Put an alarm clock in your child's room. Teach him to set the alarm every night at the right time. If the often harsh and non-tuneful ringing of the clock is annoying, use the alarm clock on your computer. In this case, the child himself can choose a melody for his morning awakening.
Step 2
When choosing a melody for an alarm clock, be guided by the fact that it is quite cheerful and invigorating. Music should cheer you up, charge you with cheerfulness and optimism.
Step 3
Be guided in the choice of a melody for the alarm clock according to the taste of the child. Some children are light sleepers and calm, quiet music suits them to wake up, others are more difficult to wake up - they need an alarm clock with a real morning march.
Step 4
Teach your child to turn on and off the alarm function on the computer (or TV) on their own.
Step 5
Present your child with a cell phone, then he will quickly learn to wake up on his own, because there is an alarm clock function in every mobile. Waking up in the morning on their own, the child will become more responsible and organized. At first, you can control this process, for this you just need to call him on your cell phone and make sure that he woke up.
Step 6
In order for the child to get up in the morning without difficulty, if possible, make sure that he observes the daily routine. Lessons should be done in the evening, not at night. Teach your child to go to bed at the same time. If the child is not yet independent enough, then even if he knows how to wake up on his own, ask someone close to help get him to school.