What Does A Man Do If He Likes You

What Does A Man Do If He Likes You
What Does A Man Do If He Likes You

By what signs can you determine that a man is in love? Many girls ask themselves this question, but they do not always understand the situation correctly. Men are not so willing to show their feelings, so ostentatious indifference can be mistaken for a lack of feelings. But if he is too talkative, that too may be suspicious. What are the signs of a serious attitude towards you on the part of a man?

What does a man do if he likes you
What does a man do if he likes you

The secret of feminine wisdom, which makes it possible to understand men, is to look closely at those things that indicate his feelings, not directly, but indirectly. Beautiful deception can be faked, but some manifestations cannot be faked, or, at least, not at every moment in time.

The first sign that you are really hooked on this man is persistence. He is ready for anything, and is not afraid to look ridiculous or ridiculous, trying to get your attention.

When a man loves his lady, he is in no hurry, and he will not rush her. Forcing to have sex and insisting that sex happen as soon as possible - this behavior is typical for those people who first of all need this very sex, but in this case, most likely, there is no question of any feelings.

If a man really likes you, then he will try to gain your favor, he will not look at others. If he doubts, being interested in several girls, does not know whom to choose, goes on dates not only with you, this clearly indicates that on his part there is no serious attitude towards any of these girls.

A person who is in love with you will not be stingy with ya signs of attention. He will look after you, will not forget to present you with a bouquet of flowers, and will congratulate you on your birthday. He will have a desire to take care of you, walk you home or call a taxi for you, put his raincoat on your shoulders if it's cold outside.

If a man really likes you, then he does not see your shortcomings. He does not accuse you of something if you quarreled, on the contrary, he calls first and wants to make peace as soon as possible.

A man who likes a woman shows respect for her. He will not allow himself to speak rudely in her presence, he will never behave ugly towards her.

But signs can be searched for and analyzed ad infinitum, interpreting the same events now and then. Try asking your heart if it feels genuine interest on the part of this man? Yet, almost every woman is able to determine that a man is in love with her, simply by listening to the inner voice and not pondering the signs.
