The ability to feel and understand women's behavior comes from experience. And very often young people do not understand whether a girl likes them or not. They wonder by what signs sympathy can be recognized.

Step 1
A girl who likes a young man will not show her sympathy too clearly. She will try to attract attention with various female tricks. For example, he will ask you to help carry heavy bags, solve a difficult problem, fix a chain. Thus, she lets the young man understand that she sees in him a real man - strong and courageous, capable of solving any problem.
Step 2
If a girl likes a guy, she will try to catch his eye. He will see her next to him in the institute cafeteria or on the way home in the subway. If they have mutual friends, then the girl will communicate with them more often in the hope that the young man she likes will also join the company.
Step 3
A girl who is in love tries to look attractive. She puts on short skirts, tight jeans, does a fashionable hairstyle and tries to appear in such a form on the eyes of the object of adoration.
Step 4
A loving representative of the fair sex gives signs to the object of sympathy. She makes eyes, touches an arm or shoulder, asks for help to put on a jacket, and compliments. She deliberately makes tactile contact, since penetration into personal space takes relationships to another level. If earlier you were just classmates and colleagues, now you have become people between whom a romance may arise.
Step 5
In addition to all the feminine tricks, girls use the usual contact-making techniques. They are interested in hobbies and preferences of the subject of adoration, try to find common points of interest in order to maintain a conversation, joke, send congratulations on the holidays on social networks, etc. If you see this behavior of a girl, and you like her too, do not get lost. Take the initiative and make an appointment, she will definitely not refuse you.