For various reasons, many mothers refuse to take their children from the hospital. In this case, the child can get into the baby's home. To take it from there, you must follow a certain procedure.

What is adoption
In Ukraine, adoption is the registration of parental rights to a child by persons who are not his biological parents.
As a rule, minor children are subject to adoption. However, there are times when the court makes a decision on the adoption of adults.
After adoption, the child acquires the status of a son or daughter. A child can be adopted by one person or by a family. Also, a child can be adopted by his relatives. There is a secret of adoption in Ukraine. This means that adoptive parents have the right to keep secret all the circumstances of the adoption.
How to pick up a child from the baby house
In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, it is possible to take a child from an infant home when he has reached the age of two months. Moreover, the age difference between the child and the adoptive parents must be at least 15 years.
The procedure for adopting a child from a baby house is as follows. Parents-to-be must obtain the status of a candidate for adoptive parents. To do this, you must apply to the child welfare service at your place of residence. As a rule, these services are located in the premises of district councils or administrations. The application is accompanied by a weighty package of documents and certificates regarding the amount of income, health status, being married, having a criminal record, and the state of living conditions of the adoptive parents. If a child is adopted by one of the spouses, the notarial consent of the other is required. The status of the candidate for adoptive parents is confirmed by the corresponding conclusion issued by hand.
When adopting a child, you need to be prepared for the fact that the child affairs service will periodically check how the new family respects his rights.
After that, it is necessary to choose a child and obtain written consent for his adoption from the administration of the baby's home. During this period, the future parents get to know the baby. In turn, the children's affairs service starts processing the provided package of documents. At this stage, work is underway to study the living conditions of adoptive parents, neighbors and work colleagues are interviewed. Also, the package of documents required for adoption is prepared by the baby's house. If the child welfare office considers the candidates for adoptive parents suitable, an opinion on the possibility of adoption is drawn up, which is submitted to the court.
Then you should apply to the court at the location of the baby's home with an application for the adoption of the child. The adoption procedure ends on the day the relevant court decision enters into legal force.
Having in hand a court decision on adoption, the child can be taken from the baby's home. Further, it is necessary to make a new birth certificate for the child and put appropriate marks on the presence of children in the passports of the adoptive parents.