Currently, adoption is one of the most preferred forms of family education for children who are left without parental care. Adopting and raising someone else's child to a new family is a noble cause, but very difficult and responsible. Therefore, adoption is placed under strict control by the state.

It is necessary
Submission of an application to the court, compliance with the requirements for adoption
Step 1
Adoption is permitted by law only in relation to minor children who have not yet reached eighteen years of age. The court makes its decision solely in their interests. When adopting a child, the same legal relations are subsequently established between the persons who adopted him and the relatives of these persons, as well as those relations that are provided for by law for parents and children.
Step 2
Adoption can be carried out only under the conditions of adoption established by law. Such as:
- it is necessary to provide requirements for adoption;
- in some cases, parental consent is required for the adoption of a child or persons who replace them;
- adoption requires the consent of the child himself, who has reached the age of ten;
- the consent of the adoptive parent's spouse in the event that the child is adopted by one parent.
Step 3
Citizens of the Russian Federation who wish to adopt a child should apply to the court with an appropriate statement, in which it is necessary to accurately indicate information about themselves and about the chosen child whom they want to adopt, known information about his parents, brothers, sisters, other relatives, as well as information on compliance conditions of adoption (additional documents are attached). It is necessary to provide a number of more documents on the adoption of this child: a birth certificate, a medical report on his health, physical and mental development, etc.
Step 4
According to the law of the Russian Federation on adoption, there is an established procedure. A parent who wishes to adopt a child must have a difference of at least 16 years with him. The adoptive parent himself must be at least 18 years old.
Step 5
A child adopted by one parent receives an additional fear of losing him, since he has no one else and no one to wait for help. Most often, a child is adopted by single people already at a mature age for them. For example, if a child is adopted by a woman who most often already has a career and sufficient well-being, then her desire is to be needed, loved and significant, thereby filling her inner emptiness.
Step 6
As for men, most often they adopt already grown children. Such acts on the part of men tend to grow all over the world and reflect their struggle for their rights in raising children, from which they were somewhat excluded. Usually, these are divorced men or those who have bitter life experiences in personal matters.