Sometimes the thought that his wife is cheating on him may creep into a man's head. Sometimes such suspicions are groundless. But it also happens that a man is right. In order not to torment your other half in vain with interrogations and nagging, it is worth finding out how to determine whether a wife is cheating or not.

Step 1
First of all, when a woman has someone on the side, she begins to sharply limit her personal space. At such moments, a password appears in the cell phone, all messages and call logs are erased. In addition, the husband may notice that the wife, talking on the phone, tends to lock herself in another room.
Step 2
If the wife began to pay more attention to her appearance or even decided to change her wardrobe, dye her hair and make a new hairstyle, then most likely she wants to be irresistible for her lover.
Step 3
One of the signs of the appearance of another man in a woman is sudden unreasonable jealousy on her part. It would seem that a woman, on the contrary, should cool off towards her husband, but in this case, the feeling of ownership plays a role. Moreover, often a person who decides to turn someone on the side begins to project his behavior onto the behavior of his other half.
Step 4
It is worth paying attention to changes in intimate life. For a woman who has a lover, attraction to her husband fades away. There are also various excuses for making love.
Step 5
The wife may start to distance herself from her husband. If earlier, coming home, the spouses discussed the past day, shared problems and impressions, now the wife behaves in a closed, thoughtful and silent manner. May even begin to avoid conversation and try to be alone in the room.
Step 6
If the wife has new hobbies and hobbies that make her leave the house for a long time, then this is also a reason to think about whether the wife is cheating. Not an exception are frequent meetings with friends, delays at work, as well as personal affairs in which the wife does not want to devote her husband.
Step 7
When a woman's lover appears, affectionate words and attention to her husband disappear. She begins to treat all the actions of the second half completely neutral. She is no longer annoyed by socks scattered around the house, gatherings with friends in the garage and watching the next football match. Terrible scandals, which have never happened before, begin when the wife makes the exact decision to part with her husband and go to her lover.
Step 8
When a wife has a lover, she may periodically not answer her husband's calls, and also prohibit him from meeting her after work. The wife no longer wants to go out with her husband from home to the store or just for a walk.
Step 9
When a wife is cheating, she reads to cool down and to various pleasant surprises and gifts made by her husband. They no longer cause her joy and sparkle in her eyes.