Carrying a baby is a happy moment in life, which not all women can experience. There is an opinion that some signs of pregnancy can be used to determine the sex of the unborn child.

External manifestations of pregnancy with a girl
The first thing you need to pay attention to is the appearance of a pregnant woman. External changes may appear as early as the first week of pregnancy with a girl. A woman carrying a girl may experience swelling of the legs, weight gain due to an increase in the buttocks and hips.
Confirms the birth of a girl and the condition of the skin of the expectant mother. In such a situation, it begins to peel off, dry, and may become covered with age spots. Acne may appear on the face. Such a well-known sign of pregnancy as darkening of the nipple halo is also attributed to pregnant women who are due to have a baby girl.
Another sign of pregnancy with a girl is that the left breast of the expectant mother may change in size. Compared to the right breast, it will be larger. In the hair of the expectant mother, who wears a daughter under her heart, you can notice a red tint.
Also, the shape of the tummy of the expectant mother also testifies to the girl's pregnancy. The shape of the abdomen becomes more rounded. At the same time, weekly, it spreads more and more from side to side, which is why mom's waist begins to disappear.
Other signs that a girl is coming
A reliable sign of early pregnancy in a girl is the presence of severe toxicosis. There is also an assumption that carrying a girl is much more difficult, because the well-being of a pregnant woman is noticeably worse than that of those who wear a boy under their heart.
Women who are due to have a baby girl become distracted and passive during pregnancy. The character at this moment becomes bad. Women expecting the appearance of a girl are capable of spontaneous illogical actions and are constantly capricious.
Signs of pregnancy with a girl include certain eating habits of a pregnant woman. In this regard, the expectant mother increasingly wants flour or sweet, pickled vegetables or fresh fruits. At the same time, you do not want to eat meat, smoked meats, spicy and salty foods at all. In the process of carrying a girl, appetite may decrease noticeably.
It is much easier to determine the sex of the unborn child when a woman gives birth again. If the pregnancy is the same as the previous one, the baby's gender will be the same. If new sensations appear during pregnancy, then the sex will be the opposite.