Every man can satisfy a girl in bed, but for this you need to know a few rules. It is important not to rush, to listen to her reaction, as well as not to think about yourself, not to be selfish.

Everyone has their own attitude to sexual games, and men and women have different views. You need to understand what is on the mind of another in order to give maximum pleasure. Time will help to sort out personal preferences, in a few months you will know everything about your partner's desires, but at the beginning of a relationship, everything is not so simple and clear.
Sex in the head
For a woman, sexual intercourse begins long before getting into bed. She observes the man's reaction to himself, pays attention to how he behaves, what is interesting to him. It is important to show her that it is not only her body that is important to you, but also her character and habits. Let the girl talk, listen to her carefully, and this will definitely help make her happy.
Create pleasant conditions for communication, arrange dates, make pleasant gifts and surprises. This will also help her tune in, confirm to her that she was not mistaken with her partner, that the choice was made correctly. The more interesting the surprises, the more enthusiastically she will agree to intimacy, and the higher the chance to satisfy her.
Take your time to go to bed. Dancing, hugging, kissing is an important part of intimacy. For a woman, this moment is very precious, so let her enjoy watching the sunset next to you, walking in the moonlight or having a nice dinner. Don't try to kiss or pull off your clothes right away. For a woman, during the courtship period, a desire is formed, do not miss it, savor these minutes, and she will open up to you in full, will be honest and sensual.
Love games
Every woman loves certain caresses. Someone loves it when they gently touch the earlobes with their tongue, while others think it's terrible. Some are ticklish, while others are in awe of the lips touching their neck or belly. Experiment, but watch the reaction. If she likes it, you will immediately understand it, if not, do not repeat it again. It is important to determine the erogenous zones and methods of their stimulation, and this is possible only in practice.
Pay attention to your breasts and nipples. For most women, these are the most sensitive areas. But it is important not to bite or hurt, but to make gentle movements with your hands or tongue. And remember that 30 seconds of these actions may not be enough.
Before penetration, make sure that the girl is ready, that she already desires further action. Your fingers or tongue will help with this. It will also be an additional stimulation that women enjoy immensely. Remember that it is important that she is the first to experience an orgasm, and then you can finish yourself, so take your time and do what she wants.
After sex, ask her what she remembers the most, what she wants to repeat. This can be done in the form of a joke so as not to embarrass her. But usually the lady makes it clear what you were at your best, and what should be used over and over again to make her happy.