Most of the female half require great attention to themselves, and rightly so, they are housewives, mothers, and mistresses, they want not only gifts, flowers, attentive attitude, help around the house, but also intimacy.

It's easy to figure out why so many marriages fall apart in the first years of marriage. Having chosen a man, women are sure that this is exactly what they dreamed about, but over time it becomes clear that this is just an image of a dream. For everyone, this image is different, it develops for everyone in different ways, in childhood or adolescence.
Women who dreamed of a great relationship and realized that they had made a mistake in their choice began to criticize their husband's shortcomings. Of course, men should be tolerant, try to change something, change themselves, understand and accept the shortcomings of their beloved woman, influence some, this is the only way to achieve a change in the wife's relationship to herself.
The wife dreams of receiving from her husband a little elementary tenderness, love, attention to herself as to a woman.
She wants to see a reliable friend in her spouse, so that in difficult times she will put up her strong shoulder.
Desires in a relationship
A man's attention to a woman is important in a relationship, like much else, but if a husband does not satisfy his wife in bed, life together is unlikely to be happy.
Dissatisfaction is one of the reasons that prompts a woman to seek a connection on the side or take a step towards separation.
Since ancient times, a man has always been a conqueror, and today the male half has to prove superiority, conquer his beloved, satisfy, put up with whims.
Lovemaking should not be prolonged for 2 hours, but 5 minutes will not give results, because the main thing is not quantity, but quality. An important stage in the satisfaction of a woman is foreplay; men should not forget about them. Caressing, kisses will prepare a woman and awaken in her the desire to give a man no less pleasant minutes with gentle touches. How long it will take for foreplay, it's hard to say for sure, every woman has her own time, getting excited, she herself will make it clear with her desire that she is ready for sexual intercourse.
To satisfy the wife, the husband must be able to prolong the intercourse and not complete it as long as possible. To do this, you need to change postures, pause, return to caress and again with new sensations continue. It is the technique, assertiveness, the ability to understand, to feel the desires of a woman that will satisfy both of you.
Only love, tenderness, satisfaction in the eyes of the beloved, the desire to give each other pleasure will preserve a wonderful relationship for many years.