Young men who have not yet had too much experience with the opposite sex are often upset that they cannot bring their beloved girl to orgasm. Most often this happens because they are too hot and in a hurry, while a woman needs more time to have fun.

Foreplay is the first step to a powerful orgasm
If a man sets out to bring a girl to orgasm, he must be patient. Long foreplay is a great way to relax your partner and generate desire and passion. You can start erotic massage with arms, legs, shoulders. Stroking should be light at first, and then stronger. It is worth watching the reaction of the partner. If she started moaning, arching, it's time to move on to more intimate caresses. The next step is the chest, neck, hips. Do not hurry. Let the girl enjoy sensual touch. You need to make her want full contact. Only then the probability of orgasm will be almost one hundred percent.
If you are embarrassed to talk with a girl about sex, you will have to find out everything in practice. Watch her reaction to certain caresses and soon you will understand what she likes the most.
Sexual intercourse - how to make a girl cum first
During intercourse, do not insert the penis deeply at once. For many women, the upper part of the vagina, which is closer to the labia, is more sensitive. It is on her that you should pay attention. Introduce your penis slowly and slowly. Pay attention to your partner. If you see that her fervor has begun to cool down, stroke the area around the clitoris with your fingers. You shouldn't touch the "love bud" itself. The skin there is very delicate, and a hard pressure will only cause unpleasant sensations.
Some positions can also be unpleasant and painful for the girl. It is better to find out about them in advance, in a frank conversation. Then all the preliminary efforts will not be in vain. Usually the most comfortable positions are traditional missionary or when the man lies behind (then the penis does not penetrate deeply). But every woman can have her own favorite position in sex, and if you find out about it before the start of sexual contact, you can bring her to bliss very quickly.
Remember that not every woman needs an orgasm. Some people prefer to feel a strong man next to them. Therefore, you should not torture yourself and her if there is no discharge. Just wait next time.
Sooner or later you will find out exactly how you can bring your girlfriend to orgasm. But this is only the beginning of joint experiments. If partners trust each other, they will find new ways to enjoy themselves. And high-quality, regular, varied sex is one of the foundations of a happy life together.