Questions related to trust in relationships are now becoming more and more relevant. Constant suspicions often cause scandals and quarrels. As a result, groundless jealousy destroys feelings, and already formed families. When the husband too often does not spend the night at home, he is in dubious companies, and when talking on the phone, an outside female voice is heard, it is time to ask him about the betrayal.

Step 1
Before asking your husband a question about cheating, first you should set yourself up for a calm, restrained and constructive conversation. You need to clarify for yourself the moments that worry and disturb you. It is about this that you need to tell your spouse first of all, then you can move on to the essence of the issue. Immediately you need to prepare for a difficult, and possibly even very difficult dialogue, since men do not like such questions. You will have to reckon with this, but do not forget that you have the right to know the truth, and you also need an atmosphere of trust in the house, so ask your husband for an honest and frank conversation.
Step 2
Once the foreword and topic of conversation are outlined, a few general questions about cheating can be asked. Most likely, you will receive negative and reassuring answers, because few people voluntarily confess their sins, especially if there is no evidence for them and will not be. Here you need to understand that only he knows the truth, and in any case you will have to believe him or not, but living in such a relationship is very difficult. In other words, the main task is not to get all the cards open, but to position the man so that he feels the need to be as frank with you as possible.
Step 3
If your spouse is annoyed by questions, try to calm him down. Remind you that you are his wife and that this question is very important to you. The main thing at this moment is to do without excessive reproaches and, moreover, without hysteria. If there are specific facts of treason, express and present them to him. He must understand that you know about betrayal, and perhaps this will change his attitude towards you. By the way, according to statistics, men usually confess to treason in two cases - either with obvious evidence from the woman, or with their own desire to end the relationship.
Step 4
Despite the feelings of jealousy that make it difficult to live, revealing the truth does not always strengthen the relationship. Therefore, you need to be prepared for any turn. Imagine that he confesses to cheating. What to do next? After that, a serious crisis in the relationship is likely to follow. Men in such situations are quite passive and rarely strive to solve such problems on an equal basis with women, so if you do not want to aggravate the situation and decide to forgive a man in order to save the family, it is better to hide your guesses from the unfaithful spouse. However, most likely, the whole truth will weigh heavily on your soul, and in the end you will have a nervous breakdown that will lead to divorce.