Sooner or later, even in the strongest family relationships, a chill runs through. The first thing that comes to mind is that your spouse is cheating on you. You start looking for signs of infidelity and confirm suspicions in one way or another - look through SMS messages on your phone, go to its page on social networks, etc. But do you need to ask your husband's friends about his betrayal?

Arguments against"
Naturally, you can call your husband's friends and acquaintances. You have the right to even meet with them and ask what they know about who your spouse is dating on the side. However, this is hardly the best way to find out the truth.
First, the likelihood that your husband's real friend will tell you how things really are is almost zero. A friend will shield the "reveler" and will find hundreds of reasons that can lull your vigilance.
Secondly, you can turn into a general ridicule if the so-called friend does not keep his mouth shut, but tells all your mutual acquaintances about your call or meeting with you.
Thirdly, you may not find out anything at all if your husband is cheating, but behaves very carefully and does not tell friends about his adventures.
In any case, your spouse will be warned about your detective investigation and will certainly arrange a domestic scandal. And, if he does not start to scandal, then he will become even more closed.
Arguments for"
In a fit of anger, we are not always able to control our actions. Not enough strength for prudence - call! And come what may! Let your husband get angry when he finds out about your contacts with his friends. Let them whisper behind your back, and let your rival rejoice. You were honest with yourself. You had just enough strength to behave this way and not otherwise. Do not blame yourself later for this call. It became easier for you, and this is the main thing!
If you decide to call or meet with a friend, try not to ask direct questions. This will not lead to clarification of the truth. Show female deceit. In roundabout ways, try to form a picture of what is really happening. For example, your spouse came back and said he was on a business trip. Ask a friend if he liked the cognac that your faithful brought him as a gift. Ask unexpected questions that will confuse the interlocutor and give away his lies.
Your suspicions may eventually be confirmed or dispelled. And then you, too, will make decisions according to your character and situation. You should always remember one wise saying "If you want to spoil the relationship - start to sort it out."