Very often on holidays they wish us happiness in our personal life. And then the thought involuntarily begins to creep in: what kind of personal life and freedom can there be when you are already a family man? In fact, everything is very simple.

First, stop confusing the two feelings with each other. Love is one thing, but addiction is another. Love never means dying for another person, but keeping a spiritual thread with your partner. When a person is dependent, he is not free. But true love, on the contrary, keeps freedom in a relationship with a partner.
It is very difficult to get out of an addicted relationship, one might even say impossible. You need to rebuild your relationship to a more adult level. It must be remembered that marriage is not a prison. The point is not to deprive each other of freedom, but to complement and harmony each other. Therefore, the biggest misconception is to think that after a wedding you can say goodbye to your personal life forever. If such a situation occurs, then most likely you are not suitable for each other.

Why start a family at all and then constantly complain about how bad everything is in your life? It would seem that both took this step consciously, but it turned out quite the opposite. If we tie all our interests and concepts to one person, then after a while we will feel dissatisfaction.
Each of the partners must meet their own needs. Because no one else is fully capable of doing this. The most common cause of crisis in families, as a rule, is due to the fact that people no longer communicate with anyone and chained each other to themselves. Hence all the problems in the family. It is necessary to develop, communicate with neighbors, friends and work colleagues. Go to cafes, parks and travel. Bring joy and variety to relationships.
Know that a person has only one life, and how he will live it depends only on him.