Every year the society becomes more and more liberated and uninhibited. It is completely legal on television and radio to raise various sexual problems. Sexual minorities are no longer ashamed of their essence and openly declare themselves. The corners are smoothed out, and people respond more appropriately to sexual innovations. But is sexual freedom and independence so good?

I want something new
Not everyone can admit to those around him and to himself that deep down he feels a desire to try something like that: threesome sex, dressing up, sex toys, role-playing games.
Most stop the stereotypes imposed by society about what is moral and immoral.
There are couples for whom even the Kamasutra seems to be something vicious, although by and large it is just a tool for obtaining sexual satisfaction to the maximum extent.
The Bible has outlined a circle of all that is permitted, and erotic delights are not among the righteous deeds. Puritan education versus sexual freedom.
However, it was not in vain that Sigmund Freud wrote that sex rules the world. Be that as it may, this is an instinct from which one cannot hide, one cannot hide. And there is nothing shameful that you open up new horizons for yourself. Trying something new in sex, the couple becomes more experienced, the partners get to know each other from different sides, get closer, and, perhaps, understand that they are not on their way further, because one does not share the interests of the other.
Sexual freedom is good at least because you do not feel flawed, realizing your fantasies in practice. Sexual complexes do not develop, which adversely affect the psyche as a whole.
The most obvious plus is the willingness to experiment and the desire to give your partner as much pleasure as possible. If in a couple, both are satisfied with their sexual life together, then the chances of peaceful living increase significantly.
A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey
Openly promoting sex, the mass media and television forget about children. They are deprived of childhood, early learning all the delights of adulthood. Increasingly, you can hear about teenage pregnancies that end in either unwanted abortions or the crippled life of a teenager, because a child cannot raise a child.
Excessively carried away by experiments, you can cross all the boundaries of reason, losing the sense of reality. This happens when sexual freedom turns into sexual perversion. In such situations, it is somehow unthinkable to talk about standards of behavior.
Some fantasies are better off not coming true. We are talking about dirty, almost animal antics that are prosecuted by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Each medal has a reverse side. Therefore, before you commit any act, think about whether this will in any way affect your own life, on strangers.