When doubts arise about the loyalty of a husband, life becomes difficult. There are undeniable signs by which you can understand whether your husband is really cheating or whether you are winding yourself up.

Observe your husband's behavior
Most often, a woman does not notice infidelity, because she does not want to see her. Try to assess your husband's behavior impartially. You should be alert to sudden mood swings, delays at work, and frequently changing plans. Remember, maybe your spouse was often called to work in the evening or on weekends. This is a wake-up call. You can check on your husband by calling his office and asking about his schedule. If the spouse has a mistress, he will try to be away from home more often. The pretext will be helping your brother, fishing with friends, lunch at the parents' place. If there are too many such absences, this is a reason to think. Also, the husband can dramatically change his behavior towards you. He may become unusually affectionate and caring due to feelings of guilt, or, conversely, he will ignore you and be annoyed for any reason.
A sign of a relationship on the side is a sharp change in sexual habits in either direction.
Check your contacts
Of course, digging into other people's phones and computers is not very good. But sometimes there is no other way to prove treason. If your moral principles do not allow you to check your husband's contacts yourself, wait for the right moment. Sooner or later, he may leave the phone with open messages or call logs, or forget to log out of the social network account. You can also go for a trick - ask your husband to give him a phone to call, as if you ran out of money. Or tell them that you urgently need to send an e-mail, and you have forgotten the password for your mail. If your spouse is confused or starts to frantically delete something from the phone and mail, ask directly what he is trying to hide.
A sign of trouble is the husband's sudden "secret" conversations behind closed doors and frequent sitting on social networks.
Change of image is proof of betrayal
A rare man follows fashion trends and cares too much about his appearance. If your husband suddenly began to dress differently, changed his haircut and began to use expensive perfume, when he could not stand him before, this should alert you. An increased interest in one's physical form and sports can become a sign of betrayal. Pay attention to how the husband goes to his overtime work or meetings with friends, if he pays too much attention to his appearance. Try to talk gently with your spouse, find out what these changes are connected with. But do not press on him and do not make a scandal. Perhaps he does it all just to please you.