Getting a man to go to the doctor is extremely difficult. But there are some tricks that will help his soul mate do it without nerves and scandals.

It is a well-known fact that the representatives of the stronger sex hate hospitals, doctors and everything connected with them. Persuading your chosen one to visit a doctor of his own free will is like trying to stop an erupting volcano. This is almost impossible, especially directly. Therefore, you need to act exclusively with cunning and with a couple of good advice from psychologists in stock.
"Hit" with facts
Men are little emotional creatures, so the usual lamentations on the topic of terrible diseases and possible consequences cannot be dispensed with. It is imperative to arm yourself with vivid convincing facts. For example, give statistics on how many guys at a young age lost their lives simply because they ignored regular doctor's examinations, tell that heart attack and stroke are getting younger every decade, and diabetes is often impossible to independently recognize at an early stage without appropriate tests, etc. The facts should be such that will make a particular man listen and think.

You can cheat a little and tell the story of how the doctor told the husband of a neighbor with the same symptoms or discomfort just yesterday that the visit to the hospital was too late. If the patient had done this earlier, there would have been much less dangerous consequences and losses. The main thing is to speak very seriously, supplementing the story with truthful details. Otherwise, the man will quickly reveal the cunning and in the future it will be even more difficult to influence him.
Carrot and stick
Psychologists unanimously assure: men are big children. Therefore, it is possible to influence those and others using the same methods. For example, to promise some kind of "delicacy" for a quick visit to the right doctor. And it's not just about food here. A desirable "dessert" for a man can be a country fishing with friends for the whole weekend, a few hours of free play in your favorite computer strategy / shooter without criticism from your wife for wasted time, night gatherings in a bar with colleagues and friends until the early morning. It will be possible to come up with a lot of options for "gingerbread". For each representative of the stronger sex, he has his own.
Did you go to the doctor? Get the coveted reward! In this case, it is impossible in the future to remind the man that he agreed to go to the doctor exclusively for something and to reproach him in another way.

If the partner categorically refuses to visit a specialist, you can "scare" him, for example, by a long absence at lunch of his favorite dishes, the need from now on to iron shirts on his own in the morning and other similar options for the "whip". When announcing such a condition, it is very important not to quarrel with your loved one.
Translation of arrows
Men often do not care about their health, as they do not consider it a special value and something important. Continuing ladies behave in a completely different way - they try by any possible means to maintain the high efficiency of their body as long as possible. At least for the sake of planned or already growing children.
If a man appreciates, loves and respects his chosen one, then stories about her condition can affect him. The girl needs to be told that she is very worried about the health of her lover, and every time she goes crazy with worries when the partner ignores the visit to the doctor. In many cases, this affects a man, and he goes to a specialist just in order not to upset his soul mate.
Appearance assessment
No matter how the representatives of the stronger sex try to convince others that they are indifferent to their own external attractiveness, in fact this is a lie. Every man wants to look handsome, healthy, strong.

Therefore, phrases like: “How sick and weak you look …”, “Recently, you are not as strong and resilient as you were before…”, “Because of this malaise, you began to look much worse”. Of course, it is necessary not only to say an unpleasant phrase to the chosen one, but also to note that the doctor will help him to identify the reason for such changes.
There are no universal ways that will immediately persuade any man to go to the medical center. But through experiments, you can choose the most suitable for a particular representative of the stronger sex.