With the onset of pregnancy, a woman faces the question of how to choose a doctor for management throughout the entire period. The market for medical services offers many options, and the outcome of pregnancy depends on the correct choice of the observing doctor.

Step 1
The easiest and cheapest way is to contact your local antenatal clinic. Medical care in municipal institutions will be provided free of charge, and you will have to travel not far. The program of management of pregnant women in the consultation corresponds to modern trends in obstetrics, they will send you for examination on time and issue the necessary documents. There are also disadvantages - in most cases there is no individual approach and you will have to wait in line for an appointment. If you do not like the attitude of your assigned doctor, contact another doctor from the same institution. You will not be denied. If the pregnancy is proceeding without complications, such monitoring may be sufficient.
Step 2
It's another matter if pregnancy has occurred as a result of IVF or there are any diseases that require individual monitoring. In this case, contact a paid private clinic. Such institutions are convenient because the consultants include specialists of different profiles, and you do not have to travel to different doctors every time. Private clinics often have their own laboratory where you can take tests. Also, most private clinics have modern equipment that allows you to undergo the necessary examinations on the spot.
Step 3
The downside is the rather high cost and often - the appointment of not always necessary analyzes in order to increase the cost of observation. Also, the location of the clinic is not always convenient, you may have to travel far, in the later stages it is not easy. Choose the best clinic and a good doctor after collecting the information. Go to some forum where women share their impressions of doctors and clinics, or ask friends.
Step 4
There is another option - to find a doctor at a clinic at the maternity hospital. This option is convenient because one doctor will monitor the pregnancy and deliver. He will be aware of all the features of your pregnancy. Such awareness gives a certain guarantee of a safe delivery, and you will feel better. You can choose a suitable clinic and doctor after analyzing the information, collect it on the Internet or from friends of women with children.
Step 5
This observation is well worth the expense. Sign a contract directly with the clinic or use the services of insurance companies. Having received a voluntary health insurance policy in your hands, study the list of clinics that you can contact on the basis of this document. And already from this list, choose the option that suits you best. If you are not satisfied with the quality of medical care, you can change the doctor or clinic. This is determined by the terms of the contract.