It's not just a lot of money to create a unique date. If funds are not enough, but you want romance, show your imagination. You can have an unforgettable picnic on the bank of the river, watch the sunrise on the roof of your house, or stroll through the night squares.

If you are planning to go outside a restaurant, but to arrange outdoor adventures, warn the girl in advance. First, she will need comfortable shoes so that she can walk with you at any distance. Secondly, a jacket or jacket will not be superfluous if it suddenly becomes cool. The presence of these things will allow you to spend time comfortably.
Picnic in nature
Today, almost every city has beautiful places, such as the riverbank. Usually the moon is reflected on the surface of the water, grasshoppers or crickets chirp, and couples sit on the shore. This is a great place for a date. But you need to organize a comfortable stay. Take a blanket with you to sit on. Something to eat, such as fruit. And drinks. Someone will choose wine, someone juice. But don't forget the glasses. You can decorate all this with small candles, but this is not at all necessary.
Rooftop dating is very common these days. It's a little dangerous, but if you choose a place in advance, everything will go well. It would be better if it was a high-rise building with a gorgeous view of the city. Sometimes you can find a panorama with magnificent nature. Again, you need a place to sit down. Some roofs are equipped with benches, but not all. Therefore, a snack and a blanket will again be appropriate. Remember that it can be cool upstairs, so you can take a second blanket to wrap yourself in and watch with admiration what is happening below.
Walk in the city at night
If you have been living in the city for a long time, then you know beautiful places very well. If not, ask your friends. At night, the city looks completely different than during the day, so you can stroll through the squares, go to the embankment, if there is one. It is important to discuss in advance what you will be walking, so that this does not come as a surprise to the girl.
You will have to prepare for such a walk. It is important not just to observe, but to make discoveries. Come up with funny stories about each monument or building, sketch out incredible adventures. That took place in these places. Become a tour guide for one night, but don't talk about history, but create your own fantasy. You can even come up with what happened here hundreds of years ago or will be in the distant future.
Familiar options
The usual way to pass the time is to go to the cinema. Today it is inexpensive but exciting. Find out in advance what is going on and check the price so that you have enough to enter. And remember that you still have to spend money on popcorn and soda.
It will be inexpensive to have a snack at a fast food restaurant. Sure, McDanalds isn't the best place to date, but you can beat it. Tell them that there will be a real student date today, which definitely doesn’t happen in restaurants. Or you can even buy pizza and eat it on a bench in the park, remembering how fun it was as a child.
When organizing a date, it's important to show your imagination. The main thing is not the place, but the atmosphere. Be resourceful, and everything will definitely work out.