Gone are the days when divorce was a troublesome, time-consuming and costly procedure, moreover, causing public censure. The spouses were simply forced to grind to each other, to come to terms with the partner's shortcomings. Now, if your spouse does not suit you in some way, it is easy to divorce, and society will not attach much importance to this event.

Divorce statistics
According to statistics, now in Russia every second registered marriage is dissolved. The largest number of divorces (29%) is observed in couples who have lived together for 5 to 9 years. Most often, spouses who get married after 30 years break up. In 80% of cases, the initiator of the divorce is a woman.
In 2010, there was a peak in the breakdown of families. Then, out of 100 registered marriages, there were 80 divorced ones. Now the situation has stabilized somewhat, but remains critical.
Reasons for divorce
One of the reasons for the breakdown of families is economic instability and dissatisfaction with the material situation. True, the former spouses themselves often name other reasons that prompted them to divorce.
According to statistics, most often (in 40% of cases), spouses divorce due to the fact that the marriage was concluded rashly or involuntarily, for example, under the influence of parents or because of the bride's pregnancy.
In an honorable second place - divorces due to treason. Because of this, 19% of marriages break up in Russia. At the same time, there are about the same number of marriages that fell apart due to the betrayal of the husband as because of the infidelity of the wife.
15% of married couples break up due to the fact that the "other half" does not satisfy them in bed. 12% of couples declare when applying for a divorce that they have no common interests, their life positions and goals do not coincide. Due to the unpreparedness of one of the spouses for family life, 7% of marriages break up and the same number due to alcohol abuse.
Attitude towards divorce
Surveys conducted among well-off couples were not at all happy. Thus, they testify that attitudes towards marriage among men and women differ significantly. What is the main condition of family life for women does not play any role for the representatives of the strong half of humanity, and vice versa - what is important in marriage for men does not play a significant role for their chosen ones.
But regarding the conclusion of a marriage without mutual feelings, both men and women showed surprising agreement. Strongly against such unions - 42% of families. Drunkenness is the reason for divorce for 30% of the women surveyed and only 23% of the men surveyed.
15% of wives are ready to forgive adultery to their “halves”. Men are more loyal in this matter - only 11% of the interviewed husbands said that if they were unfaithful, their wives would file for divorce.
Because of sexual dissatisfaction, 37% of men are ready to destroy their families, while physical satisfaction is important only for 9% of the fair sex.