Divorce is a serious test for a married couple. You have to not only break off relations, but also completely change the whole course and rhythm of your usual life. Relentless statistics show that in Russia more than 57% of married couples get divorced. What is the reason pushing the spouses to take such a serious step?

There can be many reasons for divorce. But psychologists identify six main ones that inevitably lead to a break in relations.
First of all, it is not ready for family relationships. Loving people marrying rarely realize that a happy family life is not only the romantic relationship they are used to. In marriage, you need to seriously work on relationships, be able to listen, understand, forgive, adjust, compromise, look for common solutions to any issues. Family is not only love, but a huge responsibility, mutual understanding and respect. Against the background of family everyday life, a feeling of warmth and friendship should remain. If the insane passion has subsided, and something more has not come to replace it, the meaning in living together is completely lost. The question of divorce arises.
An equally relevant reason pushing spouses to divorce is the incompatibility of characters and views. Comfortable living with each other is possible if there is mutual interest in this or that business. A common goal, life principles, a common cause unites the spouses. If this is nothing, a vacuum appears, that is, a complete emptiness. The spouses understand that further cohabitation is a path to nowhere.
Another popular reason for spouses to get divorced is money. If the marriage was concluded by calculation, and the calculation was not justified, this is an inevitable path to breaking up the relationship. Lack of money also often, but not always, leads to divorce.
The acquisition of addictions by one of the spouses is another reason for divorce. Alcoholism, gambling addiction, drug addiction are the reasons that lead to divorce in most cases.
Adultery and sexual incompatibility are in fifth and sixth place and are the reasons leading to the breakup.
These are just the main points that, according to statistics and, according to psychologists, lead to a break in relations in most cases. Other reasons for divorce include: infertility of one of the spouses, lack of their own housing, separation or long absence, imprisonment, etc.