Unfortunately, not all marriages are strong and happy. Reasons for divorce can be very different - from disagreements in outlook on life, to banal betrayals. In order not to repeat the mistakes of others, find out what are the most common reasons for parting.

Disadvantages and vices of spouses
One of the most common reasons for divorce is alcoholism in one of the spouses. If a husband or wife abuses alcohol, discord ensues in the family. A person begins to degrade as a person, behaves ugly, causes pity or disgust in a spouse. With such a special person, it is simply impossible to build a normal family life and discuss any issues of the future. Therefore, drunkenness in the family can easily lead to divorce.
Another example of antisocial behavior is assault. Because of him, families also break up. Of course, the use of physical force by a husband in relation to his wife is more common. A weak woman can tolerate this treatment for a while. But sooner or later, the cup of patience may overflow, and then the spouse will go to file for divorce. Where there is a place for beatings, physical and moral humiliation, there is no love and consent.
Cheating on one of the spouses can be a reason for divorce. Some people simply cannot forgive a loved one’s trip to the left. Sometimes you shouldn't forget about betrayal. The reasons for infidelity can be very different, but the result is similar - tears, accusations and parting. A successful marriage is based on trust, which is out of the question in this situation.
Family conflicts
Unfortunately, some couples are simply not able to get along. It can be a matter of significant disagreement over serious issues. If it is difficult for the spouses to determine a common strategy for the future, their union may fall apart. Financial disputes can lead to divorce. Different religious views can lead even very loving spouses to different angles.
Sometimes parting happens not because of a different worldview, but because of a banal inability to listen to each other and unwillingness to work on relationships. Disputes arise over everyday trifles, habits of rude communication with each other, tantrums and scandals, then disrespect for a spouse appears, love slowly fades away, and the marriage falls apart.
Divorce can happen due to the inability of spouses to accept each other as they are. The desire to remake a loved one has a detrimental effect on the union. If you want to save your family, understand that your wife or husband needs to be loved, not re-educated. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing your dearest, closest person.