In most cases, divorce cannot be done peacefully. The spouses are forced to go to courts. Here two people will reasonably judge, and it does not matter who has what interests. But there are many nuances to consider when submitting an application.

Step 1
Before filing an application with the court, make sure if it is necessary. Maybe you should just contact the registry office.
Step 2
According to the family code of the Russian Federation, the reasons for divorce can be: marriage of convenience or thoughtless and hasty marriage. Studies have shown that the main reason for divorce is the spouses' practical and psychological unpreparedness for family life (approximately 42% of divorces). This can manifest itself in your half being rude to you, etc. Give this reason if you don't know what to refer specifically to.
Step 3
Drunkenness. This reason was indicated by 23% of the interviewed men and 31% of women. It should be noted that drunkenness of one of the spouses, which is the cause of the destruction of family relations, may result from the relationship between the spouses.
Step 4
Treason. Provide this reason if confirmed. You must have some kind of proof. Remember, everyday cheating is not considered a sufficient basis for confirming a divorce.
Step 5
Sexual dissatisfaction. Mostly men apply for this reason. But it doesn't matter who you are, man or woman, dissatisfaction can be both among the first and the second.
Step 6
If you are unable to resolve everything peacefully, apply to the court. In addition, it is imperative to submit an application to the court if you have common children who have not yet turned 18 and one of the spouses does not agree to a divorce.
Step 7
Please also include any differences or grievances in your application. List not only the reasons for the divorce, but the essence of your claims that the opposing party does not want to satisfy. And most importantly, gather all the evidence you need.