How To Relieve A Baby's Fear

How To Relieve A Baby's Fear
How To Relieve A Baby's Fear

Unfortunately, childhood fears are one of the most common phenomena in modern society. Scaring a defenseless child is as easy as shelling pears: for example, a baby may be frightened by harsh sounds, the appearance of a person, etc. Often, children are frightened of certain natural phenomena of a spontaneous nature. Everything would be fine, but only a strong child's fright sometimes leads to the development of serious failures in the child's nervous system, provoking certain ailments (for example, stuttering and enuresis).

There are many ways to relieve an infant's fear
There are many ways to relieve an infant's fear

Removal of fright from a baby. Folk ways

A frightened baby should be picked up, hugged and stroked on the back. It will not be superfluous to hum the child some kind of calm melody or just talk to him affectionately. Of course, the baby will not understand all the colloquial speech of an adult, but he will feel care and attention to himself. The child will be able to understand and realize that he is safe, that mom and dad are next to him. The calm emotional state of the parents will soon be passed on to their child - the child will gradually begin to calm down.

In addition, it is recommended to give the baby a warm soothing bath with the addition of sea salt, valerian and motherwort. This must be done so that the baby can relax before bed. It is recommended to solder a frightened baby with tea based on motherwort, and give a few drops of valerian at night: moments of unreasonable anxiety and severe stress will gradually give way to healthy sleep. Over time, the baby's fear should go on its own, but if this does not happen, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Removal of fright from a baby. Conspiracy on the water

Removing fear from an infant with the help of certain rituals is quite popular and is successfully practiced at the present time. For example, one of the rituals is charmed water. To do this, you need to fill a glass with cold spring or church water, and then pronounce a conspiracy over it: “Thin thought, fall away into the wind from the servant of God (name of the baby), from his handles, from his legs, from his exuberant head. Go to the wind, but forever with (baby's name) and never return. Amen.

Reading the conspiracy should be accompanied by the baptism of water in a glass. Then the spelled water is placed in a warm place to reach room temperature. When the water reaches the desired condition, it will be possible to wipe the baby's body with it. It is also recommended that you give him this water to drink. Attention, this ceremony can only be carried out if the child has already been baptized. Otherwise, such a conspiracy simply won't work.

Removal of fright from a baby. Wax casting

Casting wax to frighten a baby is one of the most famous rituals. To carry out it, you need to pour cool water into a glass, and then melt a little wax in a tablespoon. The ceremony is carried out as follows: a glass of water must be held above the baby's head, slowly pouring wax in a spoon into cold water. This action is accompanied by the reading of the conspiracy: “I cast my fears, I remove the commotion from the relics and small bones of my child, from his veins and from the veins, from the restless heart, from the red blood, and from the violent head (name of the baby). So be it. Amen.

Attention, if the baby's fear does not have specific grounds and obvious reasons, then you should not eliminate it yourself, relying on esoteric rituals and rituals, as well as on folk methods of treatment and visits to healers. In this case, there will be only one way out of this situation - a trip to a pediatrician, who will write a referral to the appropriate specialist (for example, to a neurologist).
