Scorpio is a rather complex and selective man. For himself, he is looking for an independent woman, but at the same time soft and tender. This representative of the zodiac gets annoyed when dealing with a weak and helpless lady. At the same time, the presence of a woman nearby who is trying to command and control him is unbearable for him.

Step 1
Scorpio has won your heart, but you don't know how to behave to get this guy's attention? When dealing with him, always behave culturally. This man does not like it when a woman is vulgar and forgets about the rules of decency. But be sure to keep in mind that if you pretend to be a woman with too impeccable manners, he may suspect that you are doing this specifically to attract him. Scorpios feel the insincerity of people, they are very good psychologists. If a man decides that you always behave culturally, consider that you have overcome the first step on the way to his heart.
Step 2
If you are in a relationship with a Scorpio, but you are not yet sure that he is deeply in love with you, reinforce his feelings with the right actions. This man loves a woman to feed him moderately spicy food, travel with him, and possibly climb mountains. Therefore, in order to finally win the heart of Scorpio, get ready to be tireless in everyday life and passionate in bed. This is the kind of woman this man is looking for to live together.
Step 3
A lady's appearance is very important to a Scorpio. He likes stylish women who know how to present themselves in all their glory. But here it is also necessary to observe a sense of proportion. You should not look brighter than your chosen one, he loves to surpass his companion at least a little. This applies not only to appearance, but also to the role in relationships.
Step 4
If you want Scorpio to think only of you and wonder if you like him or not, become a woman - a mystery. This sign loves secrets and when the girl begins to intrigue him, the man has a great passion for her. Scorpio loves a surge of emotions and adrenaline rush.
Step 5
You guessed that the man fell in love with you? Don't tell this guy, Scorpio tries to hide his feelings. If he finds out that you have revealed his secret, he may get scared and distance from you in order to regain his position.
Step 6
Ordinary obedience can push him away from you. The Scorpio man loves the spirit of competition, he brings it to relationships. To keep the chosen one around you, you will often have to create situations of dispute, struggle. This behavior awakens more and more passion inside your loved one. Therefore, if next to you Scorpio is not bored, he will never give up such a relationship. The only exception can be the appearance on the horizon of a hotter girl than you, who can keep him in a state of heat.