Feelings often prevail over the mind, so it becomes difficult to forget a loved one. However, there are three simple steps you can take to get rid of the thoughts of failed love forever.

Step 1
You can forget your loved one in three easy steps: let go, change, and fall in love again. So the first step is to “let go” of your love. To do this, list to yourself or write down on paper all his negative character traits and qualities. Ideal people do not actually exist, so most likely you will get a short or long list, rereading which will discourage the desire to think about this person. Some people prefer to remember and write down all the good things that used to bring people together. In the future, this piece of paper can be burned. During its burning, there will be such a feeling as if all memories of a person are erased from memory.
Step 2
Proceed to the second step. You can forget your loved one by letting go of the memories of the past, by changing and starting to live in a new way. For example, some people change their appearance for the better with a new haircut, fashionable clothes, etc., while others also change their shape by signing up for a gym or doing any other sport. All this will give self-confidence and self-confidence, and pity, despondency and longing for the old days will cease to bother.
Step 3
An addition to the second step and an effective remedy for unhappy love - new vivid impressions that will noticeably improve life and fill it with special meaning. You can get them with the help of new and exciting hobbies, such as driving a car or motorcycle, extreme sports and recreation, and others. It is also worth trying to go on a long journey, to a still unexplored country or city. Some people argue that thoughtful work or study will help to forget the person you love. You just need to carry out your duties every day, complete the work you have begun and achieve your goals. Responsible work is a good way to distract from negative thoughts and often produces pleasant results, such as promotions or salaries.
Step 4
The third and final step, allowing you to forget your loved one, is the search for new love. If a person does not love, it may be worth trying to connect your fate with someone else who is more suitable for this role. To do this, you need to communicate more with the people around you, and over time, new love will replace the old one, and with it new and faithful friends. The worst thing is to restrain emotions and thoughts in oneself and isolate oneself from others. Of course, gradually negative thoughts about unfulfilled hopes will worry you less and less, but it is better not to waste time on this and try to solve all problems as soon as possible.