Being the parents of two sons is not only a great happiness, but also a great responsibility. Often two boys are twice as many bruises, fights and quarrels. In order to prevent enmity between brothers and raise real men from sons, parents need to make a lot of efforts.

Step 1
When another boy appears in the house, the older child subconsciously feels that he is no longer the main one for the parents. The kid, who until recently was the king in his family, can instantly feel that you do not love him as before. You need to explain to the boy that your attitude towards him has not changed, that he is important to you. Explain to your child that he now has a brother to protect.
Step 2
Divide your attention in half. When caring for your younger son, never forget about the older one. Otherwise, he may grow up notorious because he was "disliked". Don't make your kids jealous of each other.
Step 3
If the second son is still very young, ask the older one to help you. Foster in him responsibility for the new family member. Praise your son for showing concern and affection for his brother.
Step 4
When raising two sons, cultivate a family spirit in them. Raise men in boys, protectors of your family, earners. Set them up as an example of their own dad.
Step 5
Quarrels and conflicts, which arise mainly due to toys or the attention of the mother, must be resolved "on the spot." Never leave one of your sons at last. If you did it one time, then another … so the boy may think that he is an outcast or an unloved child, and thus, withdraw into himself.
Step 6
If kids often swear, teach them to find a compromise, make concessions, share, in the end. You need to act objectively in such situations. The main thing is that none of the children should feel hurt.
Step 7
Teach children to do everything together: clean up, walk, play, watch cartoons. Try to instill in them a sense of kinship, love and affection for each other. They should know that they have no one closer, therefore brothers are obliged to protect each other and not leave in difficult times.
Step 8
Do not impose on one what pleases the other. If, for example, one of the brothers loves to draw, this does not mean that the other should do the same. Take a closer look at your children. If one kid wants to watch cartoons, let him watch cartoons. And the second one wants to sculpt from plasticine - give him plasticine. Your sons don't have to be the same. They are individuals whose needs must be respected.
Step 9
Never use one child as an example for another. Comparison like "Sasha is great, but you are not" can negatively affect the psychological development of a humiliated child. From such comparisons, a scolded kid will grow up to be an insecure, introverted person, and a “favorite” will develop disrespect for the weak.
Step 10
When raising your sons, give them equal rights and responsibilities. If both of them have to put their toys in place before going to bed, then neither of them should be shy. Of course, when choosing such a parenting model, take into account the age and capabilities of the kids. Do not scold the baby for scattered things just because he, for example, is too small and does not keep up with his older brother.