Not all people can quickly develop good relationships. Sometimes the conversation literally doesn't go well, despite all the attempts. However, there are 4 tricks that will make you win over your interlocutor.

Step 1
First, tell us about yourself. It happens that contact does not work out simply because the person does not trust you enough. A short story about yourself will help you find common topics of conversation and make the interlocutor more loyal.
Step 2
Be sincere and kind. Deception is felt on a subconscious level. The conversation is unlikely to be able to go in the right direction if the person sees that you are not saying something. Aggression affects the same way. Be discreet and remember to have a sense of humor.
Step 3
Listen to the interlocutor. The problem with so many people is that they don't know how to listen at all. During the dialogue, the interlocutor can express some important thoughts and if he notices that you are not paying attention, then his desire to continue communication will quickly disappear. Try, first of all, to understand the other, and only then express yourself.
Step 4
Say nice things. Negativity is negative. Few people want to communicate with a person who constantly complains and is unhappy with everything. Try to say positive, life-affirming things, smile and praise the other person. Do not slip into sycophant. Find what really makes the person feel better.