Recently, very often I began to notice a picture when someone's child begins to be capricious in public, and his young parents, in bewilderment, try to calm down the tomboy, shouting, grabbing his hands, intimidating with a strap, etc. So there are the easiest ways to avoid this by using a little trick.

Step 1
You should not throw phrases to your child, such as: "Come on soon, how long to wait for you!" Here you can cheat a little by replacing the hackneyed phrase with: “Ready to start, attention… march! Let's run! " And the child will run as you wanted! But without nerves, tears and tantrums.
Step 2
Often mothers resort to: "Eat, otherwise you won't get dessert." This is not worth doing! Try to interest: "After this tiny-hunting cutlet disappears, something delicious will fly to you!"
Step 3
"Clean up after you." It sounds rude and, perhaps, stupid. Instead, just say in a dreamy voice: "Now, if you were a wizard, and could conjure order on the table …". It may well work much better!
Step 4
Never say, "Don't bother!" Try instead, “Go play a little yourself. And when I’m free, we’ll have a mini-party.” There is nothing more effective in raising a child than being interested in something. The method is 100 percent!
Step 5
Instead of a disgruntled one: “Don't be capricious, the pirate T-shirt is in the wash, put on the one that you have” - “Look, but a relative of your pirate T-shirt. Let's put it on?"
Step 6
Parental cry from the heart, like: "You finally go to sleep!" can be safely replaced with: "Show you a clever way to cover with a blanket?"
Step 7
Instead of an evil one: "Did you want to do it in the pope?" - let off steam: "I wonder who am I going to tear off my ears and lather my neck?"
Step 8
Instead of the powerless: "So that I don't want to hear any!" - suddenly shout: “Oh, look, a whim has come running. Catch, catch him so that he doesn't spoil our mood!"
Step 9
Instead of tedious: "How many times to repeat" - say in a mysterious whisper: "One-two-three, I am passing on secret information … Repeat as you heard."
Step 10
Instead of mentoring: "Have you washed your hands?" - suggest: "We bet that the water from your hands will flow black?"