It happens that the child refuses to do many simple (in your opinion) cases. This becomes the cause of unpleasant conflicts between you. How to get your child to do the obligatory household chores? How to deal with a child's disobedience? How to overcome his stubbornness?

Step 1
First, understand the reasons for the child's refusal from a particular case. Maybe you overestimated the simplicity of this case for him. For example, the baby has not yet memorized the sequence of actions when dressing. In this case, start again performing this action together with the child, and do not demand independence from him.
Step 2
Another possible reason for disobedience is in your relationships. For example, a teenager may refuse to clean up his belongings out of protest sentiments. So he tries to defend his opinion, does not allow his parents to "defeat themselves." You must first develop a warm and respectful relationship with your child, and only then demand obedience from him. With a damaged parent-child relationship, it is not enough just to change the way of raising or influencing the child. It will have no effect. First, relationships and mutual understanding, and then upbringing. First, change your tone of communication with your child to be friendly. Orders and guidance are not the best way to build relationships.
Step 3
Communicate with your child on an equal footing. The more you press on him, the more he will have a desire to persist in the opposite. If it is very difficult for you to maintain an equal tone of communication with a child, then it is better to consult a psychologist and analyze the cause of such difficulties. Why would you constantly prove your authority to a child, be above him? It is better to think about these questions seriously.
Step 4
Use sticky notes and other child reminders. Your note on the fridge is not such a conflict as constant reminders aloud. With the help of such notes and pictures, you can help the child remember what and how to do. For example, on a special board, you can sketch things in the order in which the baby needs to put them on.
Step 5
Excessive care and parental involvement in the child's life can also cause conflicts and disobedience. There is no need to get ahead of the child's desires, let him first want to, and only then you will look for a way to satisfy this desire. Did your child really want to attend the swim section or did you insist on satisfying your unfulfilled ambitions? Be sensitive to your child's interests. Then there will be fewer conflicts. After all, if the child himself wanted to do something, then you do not have to make an effort to force him.
Step 6
Let your child face the negative consequences of their actions and be responsible for them. If your child does not get up well in the morning for school, allow him to "sleep" and be late for class. Let the teacher scold him. If the child himself made the choice not to get up at the alarm clock, then he himself receives the consequences. And if you take responsibility, then you will always be guilty too.