Sometimes relationships that last for years come to a standstill. But this impasse does not stop two people. Having crossed the logical end of the relationship, for some reason they continue to follow the same path.

The expression "a suitcase without a handle" accurately describes such a relationship: it is both hard to drag, and it is a pity to leave. Sorry for the lost years spent together, sorry for the effort and shared experiences. The severity crushes them almost physically - tortured actions to maintain the appearance of feelings, difficulties in communication and intimate relationships. The question of why people burden themselves with unnecessary relationships will forever remain unanswered. Everyone has their own version: fear of loneliness, habit, lack of desire for change, and others.
A woman who has taken upon herself all the responsibilities of the house and pastime. A man who listens to daily tantrums in a house where he wants to relax. In both cases, there is only one way out. Unnecessary relationships should be tough. The breakup seems terrible, but in the end it will only bring relief and open up new opportunities.
Having got rid of the burden of many years, you should not blame yourself for something, dreamily remember the beginning of a relationship and think that everything could work out. If it could, it would be fine. Unfortunately, not all relationships are destined to end with a happy ending, and this must be clearly understood. Getting in touch with one person does not mean the impossibility of parting with him and meeting another.
The concept of "unnecessary" relationships does not only refer to love unions. Friendships can also be burdensome. People who appear only in depressive states in search of a "vest" for tears, just like those who come running only to your troubles to raise their self-esteem are not friends, but a burden that prevents you from living. Friendship does not tolerate one-sided relationships, does not require effort, does not impose. This is a clean and easy relationship designed to please and make your life easier. If not, don't be afraid to get rid of them.
In any unclear situation, behave a little selfishly, because life is one, and it is hardly worth upsetting it with burdening people.