Sooner or later, children grow up and begin to lead an independent life, but not all parents are ready to accept this. If you want to move from your mother to your father, you will have to try not to spoil your relationship with them.

Step 1
Even if you are already eighteen and feel the need to live on your own, it is difficult for a parent to stop being a small child to be looked after. Only your actions can convince them otherwise. Learn to take responsibility for yourself, cook basic meals, maintain order. How else can you survive on your own?
Step 2
If you decide to move away from your parents in order to live with a loved one, your mother and father should at least know about his presence. Invite your chosen one or chosen one for dinner, introduce you to your family. Periodically organize joint meetings, trips to nature. A couple of months after your girlfriend or boyfriend found a common language with your parents, you can start talking about moving. Most likely they won't mind.
Step 3
Those who decide to rent a house with a friend or girlfriend should also introduce their temporary neighbor to their parents. Your father and mother need to make sure you don't have fun parties every day. It is advisable that your neighbor creates the impression of a serious person who is also capable of looking after you.
Step 4
Once you decide to move from your parents, it means that you are in a position to take care of yourself financially. You should not try to agree with them that you will live in a separate apartment, and they will pay for your food and utilities. Tell your parents how much of your salary you intend to pay for the apartment, calculate how much you will have left for clothes, food, entertainment. Then the parents will understand that you have responsibly approached the issue of moving and will not die of hunger.
Step 5
Parents are afraid that the grown-up child will forget them. Arrange with your parents that you will call each day and come to family dinners twice a week. If possible, try to rent a house near your former home. Father and mother will let you go much more calmly if they know that they have four direct stops before you, and they can come to visit whenever they want. Remind your parents often that you love them so they can handle your leaving more easily.