Many young people sooner or later have a desire to live separately from their parents. It can be cozy and safe in the same apartment with mom and dad, but I want to try to build my life, not quarrel with relatives about this act and make sure of my sufficient independence.

Moving message
Some parents calmly accept the desire of their child to leave their native nest, while others grab their hearts and defiantly drip valerian into a glass. In any case, you need to take courage and tell your mother and father about your decision. If your parents are of the second type, reassure them that you did not make this decision because you think they are boring and uninteresting people, and that you are burdened with living together. Reassure your worried relatives that you love them very much, you will call and visit regularly.
Calculation of expenses
Calculate your expenses and show your parents that you have enough money for everything and you will not die in poverty. The distribution of funds will help you to understand what you can count on: an apartment or a room, whether you can look for housing in the center, or is it better to pay attention to inexpensive apartments on the outskirts. Remember that, at a minimum, you should have money left for rent, food, travel, purchase of household supplies. It is advisable that some amount should be spent on clothing and entertainment. If your parents support your idea of moving, perhaps they will offer you to help you financially at first, until you get on your feet.
Acquaintance with roommates
If you are moving out from your parents to a loved one or planning to rent an apartment with friends, introduce your future roommates to your mother and father. They will be able to see who exactly will live with their precious child, and, probably, they will make sure that these are serious and responsible people who, in case of temporary difficulties, will not let you go to waste.
Learning home wisdom
Those young people who know how to cook and are not afraid to clean their room will obviously have a little less trouble. At least their parents will not worry that the child will die of hunger, failing to cook a simple dinner. Those who, living with a caring mother, did not bother themselves with household chores, will have to learn household wisdom. If you want your loved ones to feel more comfortable, start doing this before you move. At least mom and dad will make sure that you are not hopeless, and you, if necessary, can always ask them for advice.
Do not be intimidated by the difficulties that may arise when moving. Perhaps the apartment will not be found right away, the father and mother will be upset and feel old and unnecessary, and the first self-prepared dishes will burn. If you decide to live separately, be persistent, and then the desired move will come true.