Sometimes a situation arises when loving people, children and parents, cannot find mutual understanding, offend and insult each other. In order to establish communication, it is necessary to learn to understand and hear, trust and discuss problems.

Step 1
You must understand that you cannot ridicule the views on the life of adults, even if they are opposite to yours. Do not express dissatisfaction with comments or even moralizing. Try to take criticism calmly.
Step 2
Learn to listen, and most importantly, hear adults. To do this, you need to try to put yourself in their place. It will hardly be pleasant if the children whom you love, in whom so much effort, attention and care has been invested, suddenly began to be insolent and try to show themselves more intelligent, pragmatic than their parents.
Step 3
Try to come to an agreement during a conflict situation: do not keep the accumulated in yourself. You can absolutely openly, but without pretensions and moralizing, talk about what you do not agree with. Ask adults to see you as mature and established personalities. Explain that you want to make choices and make mistakes, although the parent's opinion is also valuable.
Step 4
Be patient and prove, not in words, but in deeds, independence and maturity. Try not to commit rash acts. Gradually, adults will make sure that you will act in any situation adequately and reasonably, do not do stupid things.
Step 5
Don't get defensive if your parents don't share your choices. It is better to try to convince them of the rightness with the help of arguments. Build partnerships, trusting relationships with them.
Step 6
Be sure to listen to advice, because adults are wiser than you, they have a lot of life experience behind them. In addition, they will definitely not advise the bad, because your happiness, well-being, success is what they live for.
Step 7
Behave ethically, respectfully. You must understand that rudeness and intemperance can offend them.