Parents are not chosen. Therefore, when problems arise in communicating with parents, they must either be resolved or temporarily refrain from meetings. But to completely stop communicating with them means giving up a very important part of your life. Therefore, it is better to change the situation, restore trust and mutual understanding, and improve relations with relatives.

Step 1
Start with yourself. It is possible that you have some kind of resentment against your parents, claims against them, a feeling that once you were treated unfairly. Forgive your family and try to forget all the accumulated negativity. This will allow you to start building relationships from the beginning and do it with an open mind.
Step 2
Try to give your parents all the tenderness and love you can. They will not be able not to notice this and not answer you in kind. Try to give more than you want to receive. Try to understand your relatives, support them in word and deed, take an interest in their health, problems in life. If your relationship has had years of ice before, the first response from your family may be negative, even inadequate. This is not scary, over time, the attitude of your relatives towards you will begin to change for the better.
Step 3
Try to communicate with your parents more often, call them, visit them. Tell them that you love them more often, hug them and kiss them. For them, this is much more important than even expensive gifts for the holidays. Always be sociable, friendly and cheerful. Parents will see that you find it joyful and enjoyable to be with them. In this way, even the most difficult and damaged relationships can be "cured".
Step 4
A common cause of quarrels between parents and adult children is the desire of moms and dads to completely control and manipulate the lives of their children. In this case, you need to separate your privacy and personal space from your father and mother, do not give them a chance to terrorize you. At the same time, continue to take care of them, express your love, and visit them. And so that the process of "separating" your parents from your life does not lead to numerous scandals, treat them the way a doctor treats a patient: calmly and kindly, but at the same time firmly, not reacting to provocations.
Step 5
Learn to listen to your parents' opinions. Very often, a conflict arises when parents, disagreeing with your opinion, simply try to convey to you their life experience. In this case, it is better to listen to their opinion, analyze it, try to work out a compromise between your desires and the recommendations of the older generation. In any conflict situations, try to lead a reasoned dispute based on logical conclusions, examples, facts, and not on emotions. And never lie to your parents. When the truth comes out, they will understand that you do not fully trust them.